Getting into franchising without a degree

franchising without a degree

Yes. It is quite possible to create a franchise business in a sector of activity for which you have no diploma. There are even many brands that do not require any diploma and that mainly focus on skills and experience. Explanations.

4 out of 10 franchisees worked in a different industry

This is one of the lessons of the 16th franchise survey carried out by Banque Populaire and the French Franchise Federation (FFF): in 2018, 6 out of 10 franchisees were already working in the same or similar business sector before to open their point of sale. This already means that 4 out of 10 franchisees practiced in a different sector. And above all: in no case is there any question of a specific diploma.

It is obviously more comfortable for many project leaders in professional retraining or simply wishing to create their business to choose a franchise operating in a sector of activity that they know : they already have experience of the market, the players, the regulations, best practices, etc.

However, it is quite possible to create a franchise business without a degree in the chosen sector. And this, for a simple reason: the transmission of know-how is one of the pillars of the franchise .

The transmission of know-how as a pillar of the franchise

To understand why it is possible to start a franchise without a diploma, we must go back to the definition of a franchise . The principle of the franchise is the reiteration of success. In concrete terms, an entrepreneur, the future franchisor, develops a concept at a point of sale, subsequently designated as a pilot unit, which is the source of great success.

It is precisely for this reason that it is possible to create a franchise business without a diploma: the transmission of the know-how necessary for the operation of a franchised point of sale is a legal obligation of the franchisor.

Initial training as a lever

This transmission takes place, in 97% of cases, through initial training for franchisees, the average duration of which in 2018, according to the 16th franchise survey mentioned above, was 38 days. A duration however variable according to the brands and systematically adjusted by the franchisors for:

Allow franchisees to acquire, through theoretical sessions and practical sessions, the keys to the concept of the brand

Optimize training costs (often borne by franchisees)

Ensure proper acquisition of knowledge, skills and practical experience

Read also: Practical sheet: initial training in franchising

It should also be noted that all franchisors formalize their know-how in the form of an operating manual, a file that can reach several hundred pages, which constitutes a complete educational support, a reference document that accompanies the franchisee throughout his contract. .

Franchise without a diploma: a question of know-how, experience and feeling

Contrary to most employers, franchise networks are generally not very interested in candidates’ diplomas. What brands are looking for are profiles with above all skills and know-how validated by experience. Thus, one sign will favor candidates who already have commercial experience, another candidates with management experience, another candidates with technical experience.

But some are based exclusively on feeling . And this, for a simple reason: the franchise contract is a so-called intuitu personae contract . That is, the person who signs it is considered essential. And if this has specific legal implications (notably concerning the transfer of the franchise), it also means that the relationship between the network head and the franchisee is essential. This means that it is above all during interviews prior to the signing of a contract that the head of a network decides, or not, to link up with such and such a person.

If this may seem subjective, vague or unfair, it must be kept in mind, however, that it is also important for the franchisee: it is essential to maintain a good relationship of trust with his franchisor. It is essential to share the same vision of the world, the same project, the same values.

And above all, it opens up prospects: if you are passionate about a sector, if you demonstrate your ability to invest yourself, personally and financially, in a franchise business creation project and if, in addition, you have to argue, then you can set up your franchise business even without a degree.



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